Weitere Quellen - Bioenergie  

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AD-NETT is a network of professionals working in anaerobic digestion of agro-industrial wastes in Europe and Canada.  Its prime motive is to enable exchange of information and experience and to disseminate this information to relevant organisations, such as potential users and developers. 

AEBIOM - European Biomass Association

Agricultural and Forestry Biomass Network - AFB-NETT 
The AFB-net brings together industry representatives from 14 European Union countries in a whole chain approach to stimulate the commercial and industrial exploitation of biomass energy in Europe.

Arbeitsgruppe Pflanzenöle - Blockheizkraftwerke (BHKW) 

Bioenergy Information Network  (Oak Rich National Laboratory, USA)

Bioenergy in Finland

BIOGAS-Forum, Schweiz

American Bioenergy Association

Belgischer Biomasse-Verband

Bio-MASSTER, Niederlande 
The Biomasster gives an overview of activities in the Netherlands in the area of bioenergy. Attention is given to the policy of bioenergy, to institutes and projects which deal with research and development of bioenergy, and to the implementation projects in the Netherlands.

British Bio Gen
Trade Association to the UK Biomass Power Industry

C.A.R.M.E.N - Centrales Agrar-Rohstoff-Marketing und Entwicklungs-Netzwerk

Centre for Biomass Technology, Dänemark 
Danish biomass information network of four technological institutes working with biomass. Task is to promote the utilization of wood, straw and other biofuels for energy purposes as alternatives to traditional fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. 

Energieholzboerse - Energieholz - Holzenergie - Biomasse - Rohstoff

Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. 
Die FNR ist der Projektträger des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten für Forschungsvorhaben im Bereich der nachwachsenden Rohstoffe. Das Aufgabenspektrum der FNR umfaßt neben dem wissenschaftlichen Projektmanagement auch die Information und Beratung zu nachwachsenden Rohstoffen.

Fachverband Biogas e.V. 

FINBIO - The Finnish Bioenergy Association
The Finnish Bioenergy Association is a private, nonprofit organisation the objectives of which are to promote and develop harvesting, transportation and processing of biofuels and other biomass (wood-based biofuels, nonfood crops, peat and biowaste); to promote the use of biomass in energy production and in other applications, in accordance with environmentally sound and sustainable development.

Informationssystem Nachwachsende Rohstoffe

Internationales Wirtschaftsforum, Forschungsgruppe Bioenergie   

ITABIA - Italian Biomass Association

Norwegian Bioenergy Association

SVEBIO Swedish Bioenergy Association
SVEBIO, The Swedish Energy Association, is a member-financed, non-profit, trade organisation founded in 1980. SVEBIO works objectively for the increased use of bioenergy in environmentally-considerate and optimal ways. SVEBIO represents all actors in the bioenergy sector in Sweden. SVEBIO works with commercial policy and developmental activities including exchange of information and knowledge.

The National Biodiesel Board, USA
The National Biodiesel Board, formerly known as the National Spacer imageSoyDiesel Development Board, Spacer imageis a not-for-profit corporation created Spacer imageand based in Jefferson City, Missouri, dedicated Spacer imageto the commercialization and industrialization of biodiesel.

UFOP - Union zur Förderung von Öl- und Proteinpflanzen e.V.